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Technology Philosophy 

An attempt to shed some light

towards the darkness

of misinformed technology philosophy.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics

About a possible ethics of artificial intelligence:

Are algorithms really racist?

Whom will an autonomous car spare in the event of an accident - 

the senior citizen, the pregnant lady, the three children or ... 

... the thirty-year old accountant who has a history of violence?

Robot Design

At the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Freiburg, students discuss technology ethics, tech-philosophy all the while actually building robots using common components.

Homo Ex Machina

I discussed part 2 of my Homo Ex Machina line of reasoning at the Museum Folkwang, Essen (March 6th, 2020). About capitalism, autopoietic constructivism and the reign of the holy machine.

Über(-)Mensch und KI

Meine Vorlesung zur Künstlichen Intelligenz während der Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Interdisziplinären Anthropologie. Die KI kommt, und wir müssen lernen, damit umzugehen.

Interdisziplinäre akademische Lehre

Während der MATHWORKS Expo 2018 durfte ich einen Vortrag darüber halten, wie Studierende geisteswissenschaftlicher Fächer lernen, computationale Modelle mit MATLAB aufzustellen.

The Abominable Truth

There is no worse lie than the truth.

Terrorism is no threat.

The truth hurts. Big time.

Was ist eigentlich Kunst?

At the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Freiburg, students discuss technology ethics, tech-philosophy all the while actually building robots using common components.

Kunst und Mathematik - zwei alte Freunde

Dass die Mathematik mit der Kunst in Symbiose steht wussten schon die antiken Griechen. Mathematik ist die einzige Wissenschaft, die beweist, dass sie nicht alles beweisen kann.

Lecture about Mathematics and Art

My lecture about mathematics and art, given during the course

"Mathematical Modeling with MATLAB."

Those two belong together.

About Cybernetics

At the Europapark Rust, I regularly give a lecture about some interesting stuff for Chinese students.

This time, it is about Cybernetics.

© 2023 by Reto Schölly.

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