Since WS 2018/2019 Robot Design - Theory Practice Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Uni Freiburg
Since SS 2015 Computational Modeling, Uni Freiburg
WS 2016/2017 Artificial Life, Uni Freiburg
WS 2014/2015 Digitale Bildverarbeitung, DHBW Lörrach
WS 2014/2015 Mikrocomputertechnik, DHBW Lörrach
WS 2014/2015 Cybernetic Aesthetics, Uni Freiburg
SS 2013 Mathematical Modeling with MATLAB, Uni Freiburg 2010
Pythagoras in Delphi, Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin Since 2010 Various lectures and talks, on topics including engineering, the humanities, mathematics and art
in 2023: Schölly, R.: How I Became A Chat Bot: My conversations with OpenAI's GPT-3. ISBN-13: 979-8373971669
in 2022: Schölly, R.; Kellmeyer, P.; Yazijy, S.: MedSentinel - A Smart Sentinel for Biomedical Online Search Demonstrated by a COVID-19 Search, Studies in: Health Technology and Informatics
in 2022: Yazijy, S.; Schölly, R.; Kellmeyer, P.: Towards a Toolbox for Privacy-Preserving Computation on Health Data, Studies in: Health Technology and Informatics
in 2020: Schölly, R., Schmitt, D.: Gibt es eine Philosophie der Technik? mimesis/mechanè.
in 2019: Schölly, R., Müller, D.: Metaästhetik im Computerspiel SOMA –
Reflexivitäten zwischen Wahrnehmung, Für-Wahrnehmung, Sein und Nichtsein. PAIDIA.