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  • Since WS 2018/2019 Robot Design - Theory Practice Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Uni Freiburg

  • Since SS 2015 Computational Modeling, Uni Freiburg

  • WS 2016/2017 Artificial Life, Uni Freiburg

  • WS 2014/2015 Digitale Bildverarbeitung, DHBW Lörrach

  • WS 2014/2015 Mikrocomputertechnik, DHBW Lörrach

  • WS 2014/2015 Cybernetic Aesthetics, Uni Freiburg

  • SS 2013 Mathematical Modeling with MATLAB, Uni Freiburg 2010

  • Pythagoras in Delphi, Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin Since 2010 Various lectures and talks, on topics including engineering, the humanities, mathematics and art



- Reto Schölly -

“Acceptance of the inevitable  has a high therapeutic value.”


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